NEO SCAVENGER | Blue Bottle Games

NEO Scavenger

PC, Mac, Linux  |  December 2014
Android, iOS  |  July 2017

•  Writer and Designer for two key story encounters in Blue Bottle Games' post-apocalyptic survival sim/roguelike, namely the chapters 'Saginaw' and 'Camp Grayling', from April to June of 2014.
•  Planned and wrote encounter specifications totaling over 26,000 words of prose across 300+ scene nodes branched by 300+ player choices within 2 months.
•  Assisted in resolving endgame plot complications, collaborating closely with the lead to ensure core narrative threads reach a satisfying resolution.

Official Site  |  Steam  |  Android  |  iOS

Press Highlights

"NEO Scavenger is a deep, exciting sandbox for discovery with some truly surprising and inspired moments of storytelling."

"You slowly open up more of the map as you wander, finding weirder and weirder locations and unravelling a strange, well-written story. [...] I’ve never come close to seeing the end, or even the middle, and it’s never bothered me in the slightest. Every run is so different, so full of character, that they feel complete in themselves."
~ Kotaku

"It feels more like this post-apocalyptic world — like the world of something like The Road — than most games which claim to be in a post-apocalyptic setting because of how desperate the fight for survival is. [...] It has a larger overarching story and an interesting mystery of trying to figure out who you are and what happened to this world."
~ Extra Credits: James Recommends